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"My dog's bed arrived today and exceeds all my expectation" D.H
"Toy is soft and long lasting - thank you" R.B
"The dogs love their toys and they've lasted much longer than any others they've had before" N.S
"Love that they are toxic free" H.J
"My dog's bed arrived today and exceeds all my expectation" D.H
"Toy is soft and long lasting - thank you" R.B
"The dogs love their toys and they've lasted much longer than any others they've had before" N.S
"Love that they are toxic free" H.J
"My dog's bed arrived today and exceeds all my expectation" D.H
"Toy is soft and long lasting - thank you" R.B
"The dogs love their toys and they've lasted much longer than any others they've had before" N.S
"Love that they are toxic free" H.J

Building a Strong Foundation: Why Your Pup Needs an Orthopaedic Dog Bed

One thing we can all agree on is that the longer you are stacking up those good health practises, the better chance you have of enjoying a fitful old age....

One thing we can all agree on is that the longer you are stacking up those good health practises, the better chance you have of enjoying a fitful old age. This is also true for our domestic animals. We have meddled with their genetics so much that they have developed some extremely serious conditions as a result. We are all aware of breeds with known problems like  arthritis in Labradors and German Shepherds and that, sadly, is exacerbated with pedigree dogs. There are several actions however we can take to mitigate against a poor old age, one of which is a good quality Orthopaedic Dog Bed. Because dogs spend anywhere between 12 - 22 hours in their bed it doesn’t take much to realise that it’s their bed that is one of the solutions that is going to dramatically move the dial for them.

It would be easy to think that this is something to address when your dog gets older but it is far more beneficial to start as soon as possible and preferably in puppyhood.

So why is getting a good Orthopaedic Dog bed for your pup essential to a long and happy life?

  •  It promotes proper spinal alignment which is crucial for healthy bone and muscle growth. As Dr Mash, a Senior Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon says “The spine is not a single bone but made up of many small joints and disks. If they’re not properly aligned when sleeping, it can lead to neck pain, mid back or even lower back pain.” When this misalignment goes on for a prolonged period, it can lead to more serious problems. This is true for humans and dogs alike. By ensuring correct alignment, you can help to prevent future skeletal problems in your dog.
  •  They also provide pressure relief for joints which is crucial for developing joints like hips and elbows. This in turn reduces any strain on their body and promotes healthy development of their little bodies.
  • These days most of us are aware of the importance of quality sleep. This is true for all animals at any age but certainly if your pup is experiencing growing pains. A comfortable bed reduces pain whilst promoting healthy sleep.
  • Furthermore, as puppies expend a lot of energy when they are awake, running around, exploring and thrilling us with zoomies, they then need quality rest to recoup their energy which is also important for proper growth and development.
  • It is worth recognising that planning ahead is a key factor here as well. There’s nothing like a bit of preventative care and so starting your puppy off in an Orthopaedic Dog Bed means that are future proofed.

Not to state the obvious but choosing the right size for your dog is essential, nobody likes to be compromised on space especially when sleeping so always play safe on size. It is your dog’s only personal space after all and so wiggle room should always be built in. Also,it is important that the bed covers are washable as accidents can happen.

A crucial factor in all of this is, that like a lot of things in life, not all orthopaedic dog beds are created equal.  What goes inside the bed will be an important factor. Whilst memory foam is known as orthopaedic, it also has many other less known attributes. Namely, how much heat it can create for the sleeper. Feeling hot when sleeping is uncomfortable and so reduces time spent in restorative sleep. Also, as its name would suggest, it retains a memory of the shape of the user. So instead of helping your dog it can in fact make it more difficult to get up and move around. This can be a real hindrance especially when they are older and less mobile.

The most serious aspect of memory foam however is just how toxic it is. It off-gasses formaldehyde and other cancer causing gasses. It has been linked to a range of serious health conditions and let’s not forget the fact that it is a petrochemical based foam so is not recyclable and certainly not sustainable.

We have cited many studies here just in case you want to delve deeper into the subject but it will leave you wondering how and why it is on the market at all.

Puppy in Nature


It was because of wanting the best and most natural life possible for my dogs that I created these beds. Our Orthopaedic Dog beds are stuffed with Nature. They contain Coco fibres that have been teased apart and coated with latex, then layers of additional latex ( the Natural and non toxic version of Memory Foam ). Then they are topped off with layers of British organic wool. This means they are breathable, anti microbial, antibacterial, control heat effectively and have the ability to remove moisture. Truly natural, supportive and luxurious. In fact, when you have treated your dog to the best Orthopaedic mattress, perhaps you could treat yourself to one of the many British Natural Mattresses on the market. It would be a great investment to your health.

We all want our loyal doggy companions to stay with us for as long as possible and even longer still. A good run up to old age will ensure the best chance possible for your puppy and you to have an active and happy life together.

Shop here for our Natural Orthopaedic Dog Beds

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