Rescuing my little sister's dog Josh when she was involved in a fatal car accident was one of those decisions you look back on and are extremely grateful for making. Despite several traumas in his young life, Josh's defiant spirit and immense strength of character shone through whilst still giving us a link with Emma.
He was the sort of dog that had so much personality that we couldn’t help creating alternative personas for him. The drug squad sniffer Josh, the seafaring Captain Josh ( he loved the water), the Haggis hound Josh ( he was also Glaswegian). He was a muse to so many of our strange, funny and quite frankly ridiculous stories.
Sadly though he began to suffer with rheumatoid arthritis, an unfortunate result of the few Labrador genes that he inherited. We felt compelled to give him the best of everything because he’d given us the best of himself. He was receiving everything that we thought might help but these were all helping him from the inside out, we also wanted to help him from the outside in.
Because of his age and condition he was spending more time in his bed and so because of this we realised that it was his bed that was going to make the greatest difference to him.
After a lot of research we found the best type of bed for his increasingly crippling condition was a water bed because it would relieve his pressure points and support his body in ways it’s just not possible for any other bed to do. The problem was however nobody was making them for dogs and so the heated dog water bed was born. Watching him as he floated off to sleep enveloped in the warm weightlessness it was obvious that we were onto something.
The brand was born.
Conceived in love, driven by passion and obsessed with the best, we continued to develop a range of beds for both sick and healthy animals. That means that every dog that has one is assured of a luxurious and natural bed. In short, the best for the best.
Josh died on a sunny winters day, in front of a roaring Rayburn on his beloved water bed. We held him until he had gone and for a long time after. We proudly tell people that he lived until he was 19 as if we had engineered it but we know in our hearts that this bulldozer of love had a determination of spirit that meant he wasn’t going to leave us until it was absolutely necessary. Now he’s helping us create new stories. We visit him in the beautiful meadow where he is buried and get the distinct impression that he visits us too and sometimes, just sometimes, he’s not alone.
Today we have a houseful of dogs, all enjoying Josh's legacy. All lying resplendent on past ideas, samples and finished beds, all unaware of the truly eminent dog that has bought them their life of luxury.
" Dogs continue to be our inspiration and we are committed to creating the best and most natural life we can for them. This is our philosophy. We will continue to have an intrepid spirit and lofty ideals. It's the only way to get things done right. "

Everything we use has been made by Mother Nature first.

Cleaner by Nature
What's in a bed.
Discover why our dog beds are the hardest working beds
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