The driving force behind each and every item we produce is our passionate belief that every dog should be able to live a natural, healthy life.

"I've always believed in the beautiful power of Nature" Sarah Hickman. Founder

The great part about being passionate is that it can change everything.

It can develop into new beliefs, new products, new ways of doing things. The key though is to execute them responsibly and incredibly well. It's not just about the end product or indeed the individual, its also about the whole. We believe in positively impacting not just those around us but also our planet and so we have built our business on sustainability.
That's why we insist on doing things our way.
We've always been stubborn. Just ask our parents.

Natural, sustainable, supportive  and orthopaedic dog bed

Quality in. Quality out.

Because we were bought up on a healthy diet of challenging the status quo together with a deep love of animals and nature, it's almost inevitable that today we are making innovative natural dog beds with unrivalled comfort and environmental credentials.
Made to be played in, loved in and slept in, they get better with age because of the stories they tell about whose bed it is.
Beds that have nature at the very heart of them.

Sure, we could follow the pack and simply stuff them with poly fibres or worse, memory foam but then that would go against everything we stand for. We also know just how toxic these components are for us and our environment.  Nature is at our foundation because we know that it's the best at keeping dogs supported, dry and at a comfortable temperature.

We also realise it would be easier and to manufacture out east and we wish those that have done that well but we like it here, at home, in funny old England.


We are passionately old-fashioned about our approach and here we get to work with our heritage. We use equipment that is part of Britains industrial heritage and skills that have been passed down through generations that are in danger of dying out and are easily transferred and so retained.

Our beds are individually handmade, not mass produced. We buy organic fabrics that have been produced by small, family run businesses that have the same keen eye for detail and values as us. We feel that the attention and care we put into each bed is reflected in the end result.
After all we are not trying to sell the most beds, just the best. We are rewarded with the immense feeling of satisfaction of making something of such superior quality and environmental credentials that we are proud to say "yes, we made that".
Heck, if we were weren't making them we'd be buying them and that's our yard stick.
That's the way it is and that's how it's staying.

Like we said....stubborn.